Tencent Nintendo Switch (OLED Model) releases January 11th, 2022
Official Website:https://www.nintendoswitch.com.cn/hardware/switch/oled
Replying to @chinesenintendo
Launch price is 2599 RMB (US$ 409)
Replying to @Zachruff
Replying to @Aashraa1
It will most probably be region locked just like the existing Tencent Nintendo Switch.
RT @DanielOlimac: The Swith OLED is officially releasing in China on Jan 11th, in partnership with Tencent. Priced at ¥2599 (US$408). It wi…
RT @LunaValoaa: This is a fantastic translation of an in-depth article detailing the whole story of iQue.
If you're interested in localisat…
RT @Snowcharles: A giant Poké Ball in Shanghai. #Pokemon
The number of titles released on the Tencent Nintendo Switch eShop (counting demos as separate) has now reached 36 (6 rows).
Image courtesy of @flamebeam0131
Two Doraemon software were released today (Jan 18, 2022) on the Tencent Nintendo Switch eShop, under the "Education Application" category.
Replying to @chinesenintendo
Replying to @chinesenintendo
The two software were previously released in Chinese in Asia as part of a 4-software bundle.
Replying to @chinesenintendo
The Math "game", Nobita's Number Adventure, was previously released on the 3DS in Traditional Chinese with Taiwanese mandarin dubs, but both the Tencent and Global Switch releases have only the Japanese dubs available.
Replying to @Diospada_009
Even counting demos(体験版) as separate titles, the Tencent Nintendo Switch only has 36 software (before these two "games".
Replying to @rikuotanakaID
Math and English. The English one goes into some simple vocabulary for children.
Replying to @chinesenintendo
There two other Doraemon titles were Kanji (Chinese characters) and Puzzle.
The Kanji game was probably rejected because courses were engineered for the Japanese instead of the S. Chinese script, and the Puzzle one is probably too similar to a game to release under "education".
Replying to @aazamoraa and @flamebeam0131
Demos and full games are displayed as separate titles.
The release of these two "Education Application" is noteworthy especially considering the recent freeze (yes, again) in game approval.
Releasing qualifying software as "Applications" bypasses the need for approval, just like what Tencent did for Jump Rope Challenge. https://twitter.com/chinesenintendo/status/1483625934653689856
Replying to @zogzhu
Replying to @tokuwaffle
Very good question, one which I personally don't have a good answer for. It will probably be up to Tencent and the censors in China to decide whether they could pass it off as one.
Replying to @zogzhu
*Subor 'Education Console' mood intensified*
RT @ZhugeEX: Tencent, the distributor of Nintendo Switch in China, added Nintendo IP to its Winter TGA Tencent Esports Games alongside trad…
RT @nikochina: China’s Ministry of Public Security investigates 134 games, shuts down 24. Games that were shut down either did not have a v…
Tencent Nintendo Switch Mario Kart 8 Deluxe + Super Mario Party Double Pack spotted in retail stores.
Officially, this pack was considered a SMP download card bundled with the existing MK8D, and it appears to be not advertised on Tencent's official website.
Replying to @chinesenintendo
The MSRP (non-member price) is CN¥2798, or US$442.
Replying to @DanielOlimac
Are you using Wechat with a Chinese phone number or a foreign one? I hear that Wechat/Weixin flags its user region (and the respective privacy policy) based on the region of phone numbers.
In 2011, iQue released the only free iQue DSiWare "The Sea-Hare", an interactive picture and audio book featuring a heavily toned-down adaptation of the original Grimm's fairy tale so it would be suitable for an early education (PEGI 3+/ESRB eC) audience.
Replying to @chinesenintendo
The full transcript of the adaptation (English translations provided) could be read here: https://iquehistoria.neocities.org/articletl/TheSeaHare/article.html
Official Website: https://www.ique.com/DSi/DSiWare/haitu/index.htm
Tencent launches Lunar New Year Sale on the Nintendo eShop today, offering discounts to almost the entire TNS library.
First Party games are 15%-30% off, and the sale lasts until Feb 6th.
Replying to @chinesenintendo
Source: https://weibo.com/7229718199/LcwDDzts1
RT @ninsoup: Taipei Metro Trains Have Received A Pokemon-Themed Makeover https://nintendosoup.com/taipei-metro-trains-have-received-a-pokemon-themed-makeover/
"Mario's Great Adventure" is an unused iQue comic datamined from the iQue GBA SP CD.
The comic was not a localization of any existing licensed media but rather an original work. Sadly, only the first chapter of this comic was known.
Read it here: https://iquehistoria.neocities.org/articletl/MarioGreatAdventure/comic.html
Replying to @chinesenintendo
Note: The webpage hosts the full comic and is ~14MB in size.
English translation transcripts courtesy of @Akfamilyhome
More information/full comic download: https://twitter.com/chinesenintendo/status/930643455398703104?s=20
#ChinaEditChallenge https://twitter.com/chinesenintendo/status/1431980837365592069
RT @LunaValoaa: Chinese Wii fan translations are an underrated art.
RT @DanielOlimac: Sellers in China are already loaded with copies of Pokemon Arceus, and demand is extremely high. Most are selling the gam…
RT @DanielOlimac: Little journey showing how imported consoles are openly promoted and available in the biggest e-commerce platform in Chin…
RT @GameAddict: @DanielOlimac Welcome to the Chinese grey market.