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Chinese Wuxing Limited Edition iQue GBA SP

(Image Set)

Source: [1/2] [2/2]
Published December 1st, 2004

 The recent design contest, titled "The SP of the Chinese Awaits Your Design" was in full swing. The reason was that iQue not only introduced a currently popular console into China before any other company, but also fully interacted with the players upon introduction. iQue provided "Chinese adaptation" on all aspects of the product, and even invited all gamers to design the exterior of the iQue GBA SP. This gave the gamers room for self presentation, and landed a strong impact into China's video game industry.

 It's only been a few days since the start of the contest, and submissions have been pouring in from gamers of all walks of life around the country. Looking at those submissions, I am almost itching to design myself, but I dare not compete with the experts out there as a timid art amateur. So, I'd like to share some of my favorite submissions instead. Interestingly, these designs are not just exquisite in their own rights, but also imply the Wuxing (Five Phases) philosphy as well. Here are the submissions as follows:

 The Water Element of Leisure and Elegance

The Water Element

 Water nourishes all living things and grows all kinds of crops. It is closely linked to the lives of people, and is the essence of life.   

 The Water design is one of leisure and elegance, bringing refreshment and coolness from the fishes swimming leasurely in the lotus pond.   悠闲雅兴尽显图中,几条小鱼悠然于河塘之间,一股清凉舒适之意油然而生。于繁忙工作偶尔偷闲滋润自己的生活,即使捧于手中亦有望梅止渴之用。若是喜好生活的玩家,定会对它爱不释手。


  属性:土 特点:王者之尊





  属性:火 特点:燃烧激情





  属性:金 特点:坚韧不拔





  属性:木 特点:我行我素,心随意动







