RT @nikochina: China's Video Games Market Declines As 39 Million Youth Gamers Have Stopped Playing https://www.thegamer.com/china-video-games-market-declines-39-million-youth-gamers-stop-playing/
RT @IGNChina: @nikochina 调研机构发布的最新报告显示,2021 年 9 月 1 日中国政府发布,18 岁以下青少年一周只能玩 3 小时游戏后,青少年游戏人口从 2020 年的 60% 下滑到 40%,报告预估 2026 年将回升到 56%。青少年游戏玩家…
Replying to @Akfamilyhome
To think this game was the last Physical 3DS game in Chinese until Pokemon Sun/Moon which was 3 years later...I'm pretty sure Chinese-language 3DS owners had rather mixed feelings back then.
The localization was so in depth that a password was changed:
RT @LunaValoaa: 19 years ago today, the iQue Player was released in China.
(17 November 2003)