RT @nintendolife: Nvidia Shield Shutting Down Nintendo Wii Game Downloads In China https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/08/nvidia_shield_shutting_down_nintendo_wii_game_downloads_in_china #NvidiaShield #China #Nvidia #Wi…
RT @LunaValoaa: After all these years, the iQue Wii Menu is working (obtained from a leak about a year ago, we got it working yesterday).…
RT @LunaValoaa: Mii Channel / Mii频道 [HACC]
RT @LunaValoaa: Photo Channel / 相片频道 [HAYC]
RT @LunaValoaa: The Wii Shop Channel / 购物频道 seems to be incomplete, so it is just a stub. The iQue DSi did release and had a working shop,…
RT @LunaValoaa: Other Wii Menu stuff. EULA and Region Select boot, but since they try to retrieve the Chinese EULA and the Chinese region l…
RT @Stutsies: It's looking grim for the Chinese gaming market. Especially if they move forward with restricting the already tight ratings f…
Gamers, console and PC one in particular in China reacted to this piece of news with anger, dismay, and eventually, sarcasm, since the article almost made it seem like 2000 instead of 2021, when an article accusing games as "Spiritual Heroin" was published by Guangming Daily. https://twitter.com/TheRealJoshYe/status/1422390372513189888
Replying to @chinesenintendo
Despite the original article from Economic Information Daily specified "Online Games", console/PC gamers are far from safety. The Chinese gov's official definition of an Online Game is a game obtained from the internet, which would include all games distributed on digital stores.
RT @MetalMarioJSKR: A weibo by a Chinese gamer in light of the recent accusation of games as "Spiritual Drugs", AGAIN. https://t.co/4w6UCvM…
RT @MetalMarioJSKR: First they came for the game consoles, and I spoke out—
Because I was a console gamer.
Then they came for the PCs, and…
🤣 https://twitter.com/Snowcharles/status/1422451235102339081
RT @TheRealJoshYe: Update: Seems like gaming companies’ lobbying power within the system still holds tremendous sway. The story that calls…
RT @TheRealJoshYe: Indeed, this regulatory storm may continue. In March, I wrote about how concerns over gaming addiction had reached Xi:…
RT @zogzhu: One state-affiliated media saying "games bad" led to the vanishing of 450 billion HKD over the course of a few hours is today's…
RT @hancocktom: Bit of context: China banned the games console sales from 2000-2015, with state media sometimes referring to them as "elect…
RT @ZhugeEX: @zogzhu
RT @TheRealJoshYe: This recent #StopTheShock story reminds me of the story about China’s gaming clinic where they shock game addicts in a b…
RT @TheRealJoshYe: Breaking: 😳😳😳Chinese gaming stocks are in free fall today. NetEase is down 15%. Tencent is down 9%. Bilibili is down 9.5…
WHY https://twitter.com/zogzhu/status/1422909585665318921
Replying to @BelesRicardo and @jhynjhiruu_2
It's more of a minor difference in word choice. 联机 specifies connection of two game consoles (online or local), where as 连接 can mean any physical or wireless connection.
RT @TheRealJoshYe: China’s crackdown on gaming: state newspaper calls for higher taxes but also highlights soft power gains
However, the c…
Replying to @BelesRicardo and @jhynjhiruu_2
The difference is also minor. Both can be used to connect nouns, but the former is a bit more formal.
(Most titles use 与 instead of 和)
The "country" entry for Taiwan in iQue 3DSXL's Streetpass Mii Plaza is a hardcoded "Taiwan, China" string.
This was the easiest way to comply with the "One China Policy" without having to redesign the country code system for consoles in China.
Replying to @chinesenintendo
Traditional Chinese:
Replying to @RowenLoveNTD
As of 2012, "Taiwan" is more or less an equivalent term with "Republic of China", or the territory under its actual control.
RT @TheRealJoshYe: "In the background there is the fear that nags at almost every ambitious parent — the possibility that their kids will g…
RT @Rabby250: @chinesenintendo Ah yes, I remember this one. Some other trivia:
1. iQue won't display Taiwan's county setting, but you still…
RT @Rabby250: @chinesenintendo 3. "Country" achievements in Mii Plaza are modified as "Country/Region", and Taiwan counts towards them http…
Calling videogames "Spiritual Opium"... haven't we seen that phrase in the media from a particular country a few weeks ago AND 2 decades ago? https://twitter.com/nintendolife/status/1425930096288964610
RT @TheRealJoshYe: Just in: After Chinese state media said wantonly falsifying history is “an inferior and even harmful cultural transmissi…
This is probably why Chinese gamers had an easier time playing Monster Hunter than Pokémon before games were localized in Chinese. https://twitter.com/zachlearnslangs/status/1426926427451047941
Replying to @Orangs_Laowai7
Monster Hunter games in Japanese have a much higher rate of Kanji use as compared to Pokemon games due to the game universe setting and older target age group. The abundance of Kanji makes it easier for Chinese speakers to guess the contents.
Nintendo Switch official Micro SD card, China edition.
*Also works with a Nintendo device that does not officially exist in China
RT @dasasweater: スーパーマリーのトレーナー
Random: Guy buys a Tencent Nintendo Switch from the official store as a Chinese Valentine gift, feels uncomfortable after knowing the console was manufactured 2 years ago in 2019; game store explains there is no quality concern as electronics do not have an expiration date.
Replying to @chinesenintendo
Via: https://weibo.com/2334162530/Ku9EK2sI6
Replying to @chinesenintendo
Jokes aside, this might be one proof that the demand of the Tencent (China) model were overestimated, as consoles from the launch batch are still being sold this month.
Replying to @yzeng82 and @zogzhu
I am no expert on the situation, but I believe there is something analogous to the laws among mafia/yakuza/other criminal gangs that they won't pirate domestic indies for a certain period of time since launch. Although that "promise" sometimes got broken too.
I wish inquiry emails on official character names sent to iQue were as fruitful as those attempts. https://twitter.com/SMWikiOfficial/status/1427975754961223689
Replying to @DanielOlimac
Perhaps their definition of a commercial success or failure lies beyond the revenue from official China model sales: They count any advertising or popularity gained from the official presence of the Switch in China to the criterion for commerical success.
RT @DanielOlimac: Absolutely. The Chinese/Tencent Switch if anything is a failure, commercially. Been saying it all along. It baffles me ho…
RT @DanielOlimac: @chinesenintendo Yes, the marketing efforts helped popularize the Switch and consoles in general in China. But also, I gu…
The demo Wario Ware: Get it Together! features Mandarin Chinese voice acting for microgame prompts.
This is the first occurrence of Chinese voice acting in the series.
Video provided by @MarkussLugia
RT @CometObservator: Timeline of all 17 Super Mario Galaxy releases, featuring their system, date & place of release.
Notable events are a…
The "Nintendo Switch Software Lineup" leaflet included with every Tencent Nintendo Switch purchase.
Features 2 unofficial translations as one game that fell into oblivion.
RT @CometObservator: @RimScrummy I apologize for not initially realizing that the Wii Safety screen was being skipped on the Wii footage.…
RT @pierre485_: 🇹🇼 Taiwan Charts | Week 32, 2021 (Aug 9 - Aug 15)
1 [NSW] Ring Fit Adventure (=)
2 [NSW] Super Mario Party (+3)
3 [NSW] Th…
RT @TheRealJoshYe: Published this 1,500-word whopper of a focus story last night, exploring how Tencent navigates Beijing’s love-hate relat…
RT @zogzhu: I feel that this could be a very good meme template
Some of my favorite China regional differences from my experience as an iQue researcher:
Replying to @chinesenintendo
Template courtesy of @zogzhu :
Replying to @BelesRicardo
Yes, because HK 3DS can read and write Amiibos directly.
However, you're limited to Traditional Chinese characters.
RT @CROSS_ZTC: 熬夜画图庆贺STING神作《圣剑同盟》Nintendo Switch™ 首次中文化!!
《Riviera》Nintendo Switch™ 求安排!!!! https://t.c…
RT @zogzhu: 🤦🏻♀️ 3 hours a week of gaming for everyone under 18. Jesus
Replying to @EricTGK
Replying to @DanielOlimac
The Chinese government's definition of an "Online" game involves all games distributed via online platforms, which induces fear among gamers in China who believe their gaming freedom are at peril since many offline games are still "distributed through the internet".
Replying to @MicheleMosena and @zogzhu
It says online games on paper, but the Chinese gov defined (or still defines) "online" games as all content distributed via the internet, which makes PC gamers and even console gamers feel uneasy.
RT @GameAddict: NPAA once again fails to understand gaming and understand how they are destroying their opportunities for businesses in the…
"We live in a country where minors are barely allowed to game, but the content of the game must be censored down to a minor-friendly level."
RT @Nintendeal: China is setting a limit of 3 hours of gaming per week for children under 18
Replying to @gabbmew
From my understanding, many are too busy to keep creating due to their heavy workload at school.
RT @ChaoyangTrap: We have an episode in Season 2 on how gaming culture, specifically indie game dev, weird web games, and games historians/…
RT @TheRealJoshYe: Retopping my gaming VPN story given China's gaming restrictions.
"The habit of jumping the Great Firewall to play games…
RT @six6jiang: Huge If True: Maybe Chinese Gamers Are Just Like You
Replying to @zsidane and @Nintendeal
"Online gaming" on paper, but...
RT @abcnews: Broader impact of #China's latest #gaming restrictions which include reducing the number of hours children can play online vid…
RT @TheRealJoshYe: My latest on gaming crackdown: The big elephant in the room is whether this will simply drive kids to play unlicensed an…
RT @nintendo_z: 《马力欧卡丁车8 豪华版》的巡回赛纪念币终于到了4个了,开心~