Me when Zelda BOTW is still not approved for release in China after 20 months:
RT @GREENAP61083151: 超級瑪里奧3D世界中文版海報
RT @GREENAP61083151: 超級瑪里奧兄弟35週年中文版海報
Replying to @BelesRicardo
No, unless with Homebrew.
The iQue 3DSXL does not have a eShop and thus does not have DSiWare access.
Replying to @BelesRicardo
If you installed DSiWare thru homebrew, it could only be uninstalled that way.
Replying to @BelesRicardo
There were rumors from iQue saying it was a huge hassle trying to get the DSi Shop up in China because of policies, so they gave up for the 3DS eShop altogether. There were no official channels of obtaining these games after the iQue DSi Shop closure, but all titles were dumped.
Replying to @BelesRicardo
I don't have access to one right now, but here's an image of one with the title screen and every iQue DSiWare installed (Minus Nintendogs because of space issues)
Replying to @BelesRicardo
Yes. Most Nintendo 3DS games in Chinese were cartridge exclusives, so that is the only way to install them.
Replying to @BelesRicardo
SM3DL and MK7 are the only 2 Nintendo 3DS games whose Traditional Chinese(Hong Kong/Taiwan) and Simplified Chinese(iQue, China) are separate releases.
RT @CometObservator: 3 Years ago today, Super Mario Galaxy was, for the first time, re-released in HD on the Chinese Nvidia Shield.
Its an…
"I'd like a Tencent Nintendo Switch."
"I mean the REAL Tencent Nintendo Switch."
RT @GREENAP61083151: 任天堂商場内廣告
Multiple large online game stores in China de-listed all import games and consoles. Rumors say the major channel for imports was recently obstructed.
Replying to @chinesenintendo
Some conspiracy theories put the blame on Tencent for using its influence on border control to arrest individuals bulk importing game contents. And others implicitly (for obvious reasons) cast blame on the Chinese government for wanting to further tighten control.
Replying to @chinesenintendo
These "sources" are on screenshots from random individuals as well as chat records with game shop owners, so more or less "Dude, trust me" credibility.
Replying to @chinesenintendo
Source for this report:
Replying to @Akfamilyhome
I don't see any ships blocking the Shumchum River, though.