RT @koopa630kit: NINTENDO SWITCH
RT @koopa630kit: NINTENDO SWITCH
Still 52 times as large as the Nintendo Switch eShop library when it debuted in China. https://twitter.com/thexpaw/status/1358860157556514818
Replying to @CometMedal
This is some serious level of devotion.
The biggest reveal moments I could think of from this account is that I found the boy playing Mario Kart 64 on an iQue 2004 New Year event is still playing MK8 recently, and it's not from my active search but rather HE found the post.
Replying to @CometMedal
RT @Vrftgb: 我這樣算不算遲到🤔
RT @zogzhu: Very relatable. Come to think of it, people around me who grew up with Japanese console games indeed come from wealthier famili…
RT @CometObservator: In 2018, Super Mario Galaxy was released on the Chinese Nvidia Shield, as part of Nintendo's efforts to release its Wi…
Replying to @necrolipe
There seems to be a (post-)Lunar New Year sale on a few titles.
Replying to @CometObservator and @supermario35th
The Taiwanese/Hong Kong Disc for Super Mario Galaxy 2 only has minor differences, most notably the lack of "For [REGION] only" because Taiwanese Wii games run on both Taiwan and Japan Wii consoles.
The color may be slightly different because this is a scan.
RT @zogzhu: Absolute unit of a Pokémon ball seen in Shanghai
Photo credit: 宸轩Timo
RT @Rabby250: Mario Party and Rayman Legends approved by NPPA